Wednesday, 19 September 2012

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Friday, 14 September 2012

who's that gangly big kid in the white tee and pigeon toes

Hi Whitey thanks for the comments on the shovel frame, glad it made you think! my work is done !
 now more of the gangly kid, sat in the middle between Heather and Mr Wheeler, taken at the Farm party, after epic dance session in the trance tent.
 cooking at Kent full evening blow out, 6 courses, 2 bottles of red
rock and blues after a crazy rain shower, eh thats my hat!

 heart of England, with me and John the welder
In the barson shed, Tim with BM on the operating table, Ammo me and Chris W

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


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My Kingdom for a Shovel

 Tim asked me to put some pictures up showing the history of my shovel, you can look back for few pages to see how it sits now.  Above is a 4 speed frame the best looking swing arm frame there is, well because there are no rails for the rear mud guard, which you make up what ever you need to which ever mud guard you want.

 You can put fat tanks, fat front end, fat seat and make it into a dressed bobber ( please read this tongue in check here) what I'm saying is this is the same frame as above

 And so is this, now with the same 16 back, but 21 front and apes (one frame two bikes)

 Now with 3.5 gallon fat bobs and kicked up rear again same frame = 3 bikes

 And again 4th bike, not cut or added to the frame, steal tail piece and narrowed split tanks

 5th bike ok not mine, take from Hide moto, same frame running 18 rear

You can take that frame run it with shocks long or short, you can run it the struts, but you cant bolt a hardtail to it, if you want that look (and it is as cool as fuck) then you have two options, buy a rigid frame, Tim mine was a Paughco or cut the frame and weld it up. 

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Inspired Leathers

Buxton classic bike show

Narrow fat bobs

Welding boy made a cracking job of finally welding the insert side in the narrowed tanks, unfortunately it's taken so long I've decided to fit a peanut instead

The riding has started

When will it end !

Lewis leathers

Down the smoke on business today, a quick run across London and I find myself at Lewis leathers, I set next years bonus on a 1920 styled jacket, the service was fantastic, general chat, no rushing, I can really recommend them, its what you expect and you pay for....and the jacket.. Class, practical everything a motorcyclist needs, which is mostly why I didn't buy it