Saturday, 19 November 2011

Three Roller burn



Its just art

It takes me about twenty four hours to return to a normal world after a session in the chair, the hours spin past, sat there chatting to Ben sometimes deep sometimes silence. The silence is an important part of any meaningful chat, time to reflect, or more often than not a time of pain. I said to Ben if I go quite talk to me, when my silence came he never said a word and waited for me the spark up again. I respect him for that. We both look forward to these sessions. Me not just for the ink but as much for the conversation. We talk bikes and drink tea, reflecting on the trust we have, I can build bikes but not tattoo, Ben can tattoo and not build bikes, the two are similar in a way that we know what we need and put it into the hands of others. Its on me Ben I have faith.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Enter sandman

Early present from Mr W, if sand bags could talk

Very British

Last night of the Proms, orchestral music played at its best, grand stuff.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Garage fetish - that fine monthly mag

The axe man came to town. I have a set of fatbobs that never looked right on any bike I've had so there was only one way out cut cut cut. Taped the tanks with a cut line blocked the tank on the marking bench, check the mm and then check again, round with the height gauge load a laser disc in the grinder and lets go, Mr Gearhead acts as the adjustable cutting jig while Welding boy (gimp man) looking like an extra from that fine monthly mag "Garage Fetish" works his magic, five minutes cutting followed by 45 minutes of tank adjusted

Sunday, 6 November 2011

At last

The little short mud guard didnt look right either, so I mocked up a seat unit using an old cut off of guard, card board, tape and a dust bin liner, seats going to be thicker, did I write that..thicker

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Ben what........6 mix

Kicking tunes shovel regressssssss

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Shovel mids

Fitted the cheap set of pipes that I got of ebay in the summer, dont really like the line, butI can see thro the error. What they do is free up the space to start work on the mids. The 80's mustang tank is not working either so its back into stock, the ally tail guard is from my BM project, its sort of works and may well go that way......then again?

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Shouldnt be like this

A rare moment at the Vic, top Derby gig house, Random Hand playing so me and Chris W hit the town, no dressing up here, straight from the garage, dirty T's, dirty hands and ready to rock, we arrived late and concerned about getting in, only to find No Gig, cancelled for licence reasons. No worry we take a pint of the chatty barmaid and sit at a rare empty table, and chat about ..... well bikes mainly, splitting the 3.5 gallon fat bobs and CW's TRX project. Back by half past nine standing looking at the rear pipe

, the question is can I stand the fact thats its 2 inches too far out, or do I cut it now?